2015 Volume-1 Issued-1

The inaugural edition of the JASS comes to you with a wide collection of in-depth knowledge though articles including, "Determinants of Social/Educational Stratification" by Allan C. Ornstein, "A Comparison of Mathematics Assessment in Australian and Chinese Primary Schools: Different or Similar?" by Dacheng Zhao, "Towards Seeding a Sino-Australian Education Cluster" by Peter Collin Hill, "Multilingualism, Global Competency and Communicative Performance for Business" by Ram Krishna Singh, "Self-reflection on the Teaching of Chinese at Australian Schools: from a Teacher-researcher’s Perspective" by Yiye Lu, The Implementation of Culture Tasks in Teaching Chinese to Australian High School Beginners: An Action Research" by Ji Ma, "Case Study on Changes in Housing Submarkets in Shanghai, 1994-2005" by Zhang Guowu, "New Development Mode of Urban Culture" by Fu Jianping, "The Ethical Problems and Remedies for Population Aging in China" by Liu Rangxin and Yang Feng, "On the Current Graded Teaching Mode of College English" by Chen Fang, "Theoretical Research on Ecological Turning Constructed by Government Credibility" by Jiang Lihong, "Ethical Implications of Adorno’s Alterity Ideas on Music" by Zhang Bixia, "City “Apathy” and Its Ethical Guidance" by Yi Yongqing, "The Effects of Taoist Ethics on the Perception of Traditional Chinese Apparels" by Jiang Jianhui, "The Analysis of Accounting Information Disclosure in Capital Market from the Perspective of Microeconomics" by Chen Weiyi, Hu Ping, Du Jingjing, and Zhang Tianliang, "How to Avoid Difficulties in a Specific Type of Second Essay in Writing Part of IELTS" by Chinara F. Dashdamirova, and "Book Review on SELECTED POEMS OF A.MAO." by R.K. Singh.

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