2021 Volume-7 Issued-1

Universities have established the need for digital literacies as key graduate outcomes and must support students’ development in these areas. In an era of widening participation, it is erroneous to assume all students will enter the sector with the technological skills required to support their studies. While some may be skilled technology users, many will lack the digital competencies required for academic success. Students need support for developing digital literacies, but explicit teaching may lead to frustration, as some are forced to “learn” skills they possess, while others are lost in the crowd. Adaptive learning technologies are particularly suited to addressing student diversity, as they automatically adjust to individual student’s needs. This paper documents the development of a digital literacies curriculum that uses an adaptive e-Learning platform to prepare students for technology-rich academic environments. The curriculum was co-developed by academics and librarians and consists of lessons on information, data and media literacies, and online identity management. The paper outlines the pedagogical underpinnings of the lessons, alongside the challenges and opportunities observed during development process, and reflects on the impacts of adaptive technologies on teaching in blending learning environments.

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